
Parsley Pig

Guinea Pigs are Great!

The Adventures of Parsley Pig and Friends began about ten years ago when I started writing stories about my guinea pigs for my nephew. The books where principally for entertainment but I also tried to write them to include issues that younger children face, such as facing new situations and challenges, making new friends, overcoming prejudices, medical issues and listening to good advice.

The books are aimed at younger children, my 3 year old niece currently enjoys having them read to her while my six year old niece can read them herself. That said, I have many friends who are kids at heart and just love reading about guinea pigs!

Check out my ‘Characters‘ page to read more about Parsley and the other animals featured in the books and my ‘Books‘ page to discover more about the current stories available, planned new releases and how to purchase the books.

Or read ‘Parsley’s Blog’ for her take on life and to find out what events are happening in the wonderful world of guinea pigs!

I hope that you find as much enjoyment reading about The Adventures of Parsley Pig and Friends as I do writing them!

6 thoughts on “Home

    1. brionyisaacs Post author

      Hi Karen,
      Thanks for looking at the site and for your question.
      For any and Australians out there, all the books are available through Amazon; although I know that there isn’t an Amazon.aus yet, you should still be able to order them via Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Please let me know if you have any problems and I’ll arrange to have them posted out to you directly 🙂
      Many Thanks


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